Tragedy has struck for world renowned singer The Weeknd as his voice gave out at a show Saturday night. The show was hosted at the new Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles. Just a few hours ago at 10:15pm he tweeted:
“My voice went out during the first song and I’m devastated. Felt it go and my heart dropped. My deepest apologies to my fans here. I promise to make it up to you.”
One of the videos shared shows the artist crying while on stage, after stopping the performance mid-song.
An uproar has broken and angry fans have been tweeting their frustrations over the incident. Some traveled across the world for the show; many spent thousands of dollars.
Performers like The Weeknd spend countless hours, time, and energy preparing for shows and tours. With vast influence shapes the duty to fulfill a role of entertaining to the best of their ability. It is because of the fans that they have shows to perform at. The devastation the singer expressed runs deep and wide to let so many people down.
Hopefully The Weeknd gets well soon.
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